法国废弃城堡 | The Chateau Secret

Abandoned Chateau in France | The Chateau Secret

The Chateau Secret是一座曾经辉煌过的城堡,位于法国南部,建于16世纪,历经多代传承。然而,由于各种原因,这座城堡最终被遗弃。


“时间的潮流不会让任何事情毫无意义, 即使你停下不走, 所有的故事还是继续向前发生。”

The Chateau Secret is a once glorious castle located in southern France. Built in the 16th century, it has been inherited for many generations. However, for various reasons, the castle was eventually abandoned.

Now, all the items in the castle are perfectly preserved, as if time has stopped here, with endless mystery and regret. 

“The flow of time will not make anything meaningless, even if you stop, all stories will continue to move forward.”