北爱尔兰废弃疯人院 | Cairndhu House

Abandoned Mansion of Northern Ireland

Abandoned Mansion of Northern Ireland | Cairndhu House

Cairndhu House位于北爱尔兰拉恩市的Carfunnock Country公园,是一座破败的维多利亚式豪宅。建于1875年,曾是苏格兰纺织业大亨Stewart Clark的夏季避暑别墅。这座别墅经历了多次扩建,曾被用作豪宅、军事医院、康复中心以及电影拍摄地。然而自1986年关闭以后,Cairndhu House就被荒废弃置。如今已是破落荒凉且遭受了严重的损坏。

Cairndhu House是北爱尔兰最著名的鬼屋之一,多次发生神秘超自然现象:有人听见莫名其妙的声响,看见鬼影幢幢的身影,甚至在照片中捕捉到了幽灵的身形……


Cairndhu House is located in Carfunnock Country Park in Larne, Northern Ireland. It is a dilapidated Victorian mansion built in 1875. It was once the summer villa of the Scottish textile tycoon Stewart Clark. The mansion has undergone several expansions and has been used as a manor house, military hospital, rehabilitation center and film set. However, since its closure in 1986, Cairndhu House has been abandoned and severely damaged.

Cairndhu House is one of the most famous haunted houses in Northern Ireland. Mysterious supernatural phenomena have occurred many times: some people have heard strange noises, seen ghostly figures, and even captured ghosts in photos…

“The stories in the haunted house, like old movies, can only be replayed again and again, endlessly.”

地址 Address :  Antrim Coast Road in Carnfunnock Country Park, Larne, Northern Ireland

附近标志性景点 Nearby Iconic Attractions:

• Carnfunnock Country Park: 离Cairndhu House仅5分钟路程,这个占地191公顷的森林公园是全家度假的理想去处。它拥有独特的景点、活动和活动,现场还有露营车和大篷车公园。

Carnfunnock Country Park: located just five minutes away from Cairndhu House, this 191-hectare forest park is the perfect spot for a family day out. It is home to unique attractions, activities, and events, and there is also a camping and caravan park on-site.   

• 巴里加利城堡酒店:在Cairndhu House以北5分钟车程沿海岸线,这家豪华酒店也闹鬼。据说,詹姆斯·肖勋爵夫人伊萨贝拉·肖的幽灵在城堡闹鬼超过400年。游客甚至可以参观酒店顶层她令人发寒的卧室! 

Ballygally Castle Hotel: located just a five-minute drive northwards along the coast from Cairndhu House, this luxurious hotel is also home to a friendly ghost. The story goes that the spirit of Lady Isabella Shaw, wife of Lord James Shaw, has haunted the castle for over 400 years. Visitors can even visit her chilling bedroom at the top of the hotel!

• 海滩:参观Cairndhu House后,附近有许多海滩可以放松和享受风景。Ballygally Beach仅0.55英里,该地区其他海滩还有Carnlough Beach和Browns Bay Beach。

Beaches: there are plenty of nearby beaches to relax and enjoy the scenery after visiting Cairndhu House. Ballygally Beach is just 0.55 miles away, and there are other beaches in the area such as Carnlough Beach and Browns Bay Beach.

• 拉恩:拉恩镇本身也有几个景点值得一游,比如拉恩博物馆和艺术中心,展示该地区的历史和文化,以及Chaine纪念塔,建于纪念当地商人和慈善家詹姆斯·肖恩的塔。 

Larne: the town of Larne itself also has several attractions worth visiting, such as Larne Museum and Arts Centre, which showcases the history and culture of the area, and the Chaine Memorial Tower, a tower built in memory of James Chaine, a local businessman and philanthropist.

• 巨人堤道海岸线路:Cairndhu House位于巨人堤道海岸线路上,这是北爱尔兰海岸线上的风景线路,
主要景点有巨人堤道、Carrick-a-Rede  吊桥和Dunluce城堡。

Causeway Coastal Route: Cairndhu House is located on the Causeway Coastal Route, which is a scenic route along the coast of Northern Ireland that features several iconic attractions such as the Giant’s Causeway, Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, and Dunluce Cast


交通方式 Transportation:

“乘航班最佳方式是飞往贝尔法斯特国际机场或乔治·贝斯特贝尔法斯特城市机场。从那里,游客可以租车或乘公共交通工具前往Cairndhu House。驾车可沿M2北上拉恩,在第四出口右转上A8公路。继续沿A8公路通过拉恩,然后转上西北方向的巨人堤道海岸线路。沿海岸公路过Carnfunnock Country Park后不久,可以在左手边看到一个大门和一个门房,那就是Cairndhu House的入口。”

“the best way to get there by air is to fly into the Belfast International Airport or the George Best Belfast City Airport. From there, visitors can rent a car or take public transportation to Cairndhu House. By car, visitors can follow the M2 northbound towards Larne and take the exit onto the A8 at junction four. They can continue on the A8 through Larne before taking the Causeway Coastal route north-west. Just after Carnfunnock Country Park on Coast Road, visitors will see a gate and a gatehouse on the left, which is the entrance to Cairndhu House.”