英国废弃疯人院 | Cherry Knowle Asylum

Abandoned Asylum in UK | Cherry Knowle Asylum

🗝️Cherry Knowle 疯人院位于英国桑德兰,建于1893年,是一座典型的维多利亚风格的精神病院。采用箭形设计,以中央行政楼为中心,周围环绕着病房和活动区,院内还设有娱乐大厅和游泳池。

🗝️随着时间的流逝,Cherry Knowle疯人院逐渐破败。1998年,疯人院最终关闭。如今,虽然少数建筑得以保存,但更多的建筑已经消失不见。然而,从尚未褪去的痕迹中,我们还可以一窥当年的盛况:礼拜堂里斑驳的壁画,中心大楼里精美的手工雕刻,走廊里残留的装饰……这一切似乎都在讲述这个地方百年来的故事,以及曾在此起舞和逝去的生命。


Cherry Knowle Lunatic Asylum is located in Sunderland, UK. Built in 1893, it is a typical Victorian-style mental hospital. Adopting an arrow-shaped design, the central administration building is surrounded by wards and activity areas. It also has a recreation hall and swimming pool.

As time goes by, Cherry Knowle Lunatic Asylum has gradually fallen into disrepair. In 1998, the asylum finally closed down. Now, although a few buildings have been preserved, most of the buildings have disappeared. However, from the traces that have not yet faded, we can still get a glimpse of its former glory: the mottled murals in the chapel, the exquisite hand carvings in the central building, the decorations left in the corridors… All of these seem to tell the story of this place over the past century, as well as the lives that once danced and passed away here.

“The lunatic or the mentally ill, are just sometimes mentally unclear, and we are sometimes mentally unclear.” – “psycho”


地址 Address : Ryhope, Tyne and Wear, England

附近标志性景点 Nearby Iconic Attractions:

• 西哈姆:位于达勒姆海岸的一个充满活力的港口小镇,拥有美丽的海滩和悬崖顶部的景色。 

Seaham: a lively harbor town on the Durham Coast with beautiful beaches and cliff-top views.

• 新堡博物馆和冬季花园:一个拥有国家重要指定收藏的博物馆,包含本地、区域和国家重要性的广泛收藏。

Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens: a museum with a Designated Collection of national importance that contains a wide range of collections of local, regional, and national importance. 

• 国家玻璃中心:位于新堡的一个文化场所和游客景点,提供机会去发现在新堡玻璃制造的起源、发展和遗产。

National Glass Centre: a cultural venue and visitor attraction located in Sunderland that offers opportunities to discover the origins, growth, and legacy of glass making in Sunderland.

• 彭肖纪念碑:位于新堡彭肖山上的一座古希腊神庙风格的纪念碑,建于1844年,纪念第一代达勒姆伯爵约翰•乔治•兰布顿。

Penshaw Monument: a memorial in the style of an ancient Greek temple on Penshaw Hill in the City of Sunderland that was built in 1844 in memory of John George Lambton, the first Earl of Durham. 

• WWT华盛顿湿地中心:位于泰恩和维尔郡华盛顿的一个由野禽和湿地信托管理的湿地保护区。 

WWT Washington Wetland Centre: a wetland reserve managed by the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust at Washington, Tyne and Wear, North East England.

• 兰顿草甸:位于新堡东兰顿西部的一个自然保护区,提供各种各样的生境,包括草地、灌木丛、成熟的林地和几个池塘。 

Rainton Meadows: a nature reserve just to the west of East Rainton, Sunderland, north-east England that provides a wide variety of habitats including grassland, scrub, mature woodland, and several ponds. 

• 索特灯塔:位于泰恩和维尔郡南希尔兹的马斯登村的一座灯塔。索特灯塔是世界上第一座专门设计和建造用于交流电的灯塔。

Souter Lighthouse: a lighthouse located in the village of Marsden in South Shields, Tyne & Wear, England. Souter was the first lighthouse in the world to be actually designed and built specifically to use alternating electric current. 

交通方式:附近没有机场位于Cherry Knowle Asylum。最近的机场是纽卡斯尔国际机场,位于Ryhope北部大约20英里。从机场,你可以乘出租车或公共交通到达该地区。
Transportation: there is no airport located directly near Cherry Knowle Asylum since it is a small local area in Sunderland. The nearest airport is Newcastle International Airport, which is located approximately 20 miles north of Ryhope. From the airport, you can take a taxi or public transportation to reach the area.