英国废弃精神病院 | High Royds Insane Asylum

Abandoned Asylum in UK | High Royds Insane Asylum

🗝️High Royds疯人院建于19世纪末,位于英国西约克郡利兹小镇Menston。该院于1888年启用,经过一百多年的运营,最终于2003年停业。院墙高高封锁着整个院区,里面的人终其一生难逃这座“地狱”。

🗝️这座建筑风格诡异的哥特式建筑内有约克郡玫瑰和黑色雏菊的装饰,而电影《Black Daisies》也因其灵感来源于此而得名。即便High Royds疯人院早已关闭多年,但它独特的设计和建筑风格在英国仍被视为珍贵的文化遗产。



High Royds Lunatic Asylum was built in the late 19th century and is located in the town of Menston, West Yorkshire, UK. The asylum opened in 1888 and operated for over a hundred years before finally closing in 2003. The high walls of the asylum completely enclosed the entire area, and the people inside could hardly escape this “hell” for their whole lives. 

The Gothic building with a bizarre architectural style features decorations of Yorkshire roses and black daisies. The movie “Black Daisies” was also named after its inspiration from here. Although High Royds Lunatic Asylum has been closed for many years, its unique design and architectural style are still considered a valuable cultural heritage in the UK.

Like a maze, ancient walls interweave elements of the past and future, reality and fiction. Although it is no longer a lunatic asylum, the madness and darkness of the past seem to still echo here…

“Darkness is so close to light that you just have to turn around to see each other.”


地址 Address : Menston, West Yorkshire, England

附近标志性景点 Nearby Iconic Attractions

• 伊尔克利荒原:这是一个美丽的徒步旅行和户外活动目的地,位于Menston仅3英里之遥。伊尔克利荒原提供周围景观的惊人美景,包括著名的牛和小牛岩。 

Ilkley Moor: This is a beautiful destination for hiking and outdoor activities, located just 3 miles away from Menston. Ilkley Moor offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape, including the famous Cow and Calf rock formations.

• 哈伍德庄园:这是位于Menston仅8英里之遥的一个宏伟的乡村庄园。它被认为是英格兰18世纪建筑的最佳范例之一,周围环绕着美丽的花园。

Harewood House: This is a magnificent country house located just 8 miles away from Menston. It is considered one of the finest examples of 18th-century architecture in England and is surrounded by beautiful gardens. 

• 博尔顿修道院:这是位于约克郡山谷中心的一座废弃的修道院,距离Menston仅12英里。它是一个流行的徒步旅行和野餐地点,提供周围景观的惊人美景。 

Bolton Abbey: This is a ruined monastery located in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales, just 12 miles away from Menston. It is a popular destination for hiking and picnicking, and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

• 里兹美术馆:这是一个位于利兹的流行美术馆,距离Menston仅10英里。它收藏了令人印象深刻的20世纪英国艺术品,包括亨利·摩尔和芭芭拉·赫普沃斯的作品。 

Leeds Art Gallery: This is a popular art museum located in Leeds, just 10 miles away from Menston. It houses an impressive collection of 20th-century British art, including works by Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth. 

• 约克郡雕塑公园:这是一个位于Menston仅15英里之遥的露天雕塑博物馆。它展示了一些世界上最著名雕塑家的作品,包括亨利·摩尔,芭芭拉·赫普沃斯和安东尼·戈姆利。

Yorkshire Sculpture Park: This is an open-air sculpture museum located just 15 miles away from Menston. It features works by some of the most renowned sculptors in the world, including Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth, and Antony Gormley. 

• 索尔茨工厂:这是位于附近的索尔泰尔的一座前纺织工厂,离Menston仅4英里。它已被改建成文化中心和购物目的地,设有美术馆、精品店和咖啡馆。

Salts Mill: This is a former textile mill located in nearby Saltaire, just 4 miles away from Menston. It has been converted into a cultural center and shopping destination, featuring galleries, boutiques, and cafes. 

• 皇家军械博物馆:这是位于利兹的兵器和盔甲博物馆,距离Menston仅10英里。它收藏了世界上最大的兵器和盔甲收藏之一,包括从中世纪到现代的文物。 

Royal Armouries Museum: This is a museum of arms and armor located in Leeds, just 10 miles away from Menston. It houses one of the largest collections of arms and armor in the world, including items from the medieval period to the present day.


• 里兹布拉德福机场:这是离Menston最近的机场,位于仅7英里之遥。它提供国内和国际航班。

Leeds Bradford Airport: This is the closest airport to Menston, located just 7 miles away. It offers both domestic and international flights. 

• 曼彻斯特机场:这是一个较大的机场,位于Menston约50英里之遥。它提供更广泛的国际航班。 

Manchester Airport: This is a larger airport located approximately 50 miles away from Menston. It offers a wider range of international flights.

交通方式 Transportation:


Here are some of the nearest airports to Menston:

• 里兹布拉德福机场:这是离Menston最近的机场,位于仅7英里之遥。它提供国内和国际航班。

Leeds Bradford Airport: This is the closest airport to Menston, located just 7 miles away. It offers both domestic and international flights. 

• 曼彻斯特机场:这是一个较大的机场,位于Menston约50英里之遥。它提供更广泛的国际航班。 

Manchester Airport: This is a larger airport located approximately 50 miles away from Menston. It offers a wider range of international flights.