法国废弃别墅|Manoir Colimaçon

Abandoned Villa in France | Manoir Colimaçon

🗝️Manoir Colimaçon建于1882年,位于法国北部。

Manoir Colimaçon was built in 1882 and is located in northern France.

The most famous feature of this castle is its spiral staircase, called Colimaçon in French, which also gives the castle its name.

“In every spirited staircase, there is a story.”


地址 Address : La Loge des Prés, 77820 Les Écrennes.

附近标志性景点 Nearby Iconic Attractions:

• 布兰迪莱图尔城堡:一座位于附近城镇布兰迪莱图尔的中世纪城堡。 

Château de Blandy-les-Tours: A medieval castle located in the nearby town of Blandy-les-Tours. 

• 萨莫瓦港和码头:一座风景如画的港口,位于塞纳河畔,历史悠久。

Port et quais de Samois: A picturesque port on the banks of the Seine with a rich history.

• 洞穴大坝和闸门:一座位于塞纳河上的大坝和闸门,有一座步行桥可欣赏美景。 

Barrage et écluse de la Cave: A dam and lock on the Seine river with a pedestrian bridge offering scenic views. 

• 奥尔努瓦城堡:一座历史悠久的城堡,拥有美丽的英式花园。 

Château d’Aulnoy: A historic castle with a beautiful English-style garden.

• 博瓦勒鲁瓦休闲和海滩:一个有海滩、游泳湖和各种水上运动项目的休闲区域。

Plage et base de loisirs de Bois le Roi: A recreational area with a beach, swimming lake, and various water sports activities. 

• 一条风景优美的徒步旅行小径,经过葡萄园和历史古墙。

Les Longs Sillons: A scenic hiking trail that passes through vineyards and historic walls.  

交通方式 Transportation:


The nearest airport to Les Écrennes is Paris-Orly Airport (ORY), which is located approximately 70 km away from Les Écrennes.