美国废弃别墅|Wyckoff Villa

Abandoned Villa in the U.S | Wyckoff Villa

Wyckoff Villa是一座位于美国纽约州Carleton岛上的古老豪宅。🏛️建于1894年,由商人William O. Wyckoff为了打造自己的梦想而建造。然而,令人惋惜的是,别墅建成的首年内,Wyckoff与妻子就相继因心脏病去世,仅留下其儿子继承此别墅。
🗝️20世纪30年代,通用电气公司有计划将Wyckoff Villa改造为公司的休闲场所,然而由于二战爆发,这个计划不得不被中断。自那时起,Wyckoff Villa就被荒废了。
“人生是由很多故事组成的, 而遗憾是其中一部分。”

Wyckoff Villa is an old mansion located on Carleton Island in New York, USA. Built in 1894, it was built by businessman William O. Wyckoff to create his dream home. Regrettably, in the first year the villa was built, Wyckoff and his wife died of heart disease, leaving only their son to inherit this villa.

In the 1930s, General Electric planned to remodel Wyckoff Villa into the company’s recreation place. However, due to the outbreak of World War II, this plan had to be interrupted. Since then, Wyckoff Villa has been abandoned. 

In 2020, a new buyer acquired this dilapidated old building and planned to renovate it to revive it.

“Life is made up of many stories, and regret is part of it.”


地址 Address : Carleton Island, Cape Vincent, NY 13618

附近标志性景点 Nearby Iconic Attractions:

• 中央公园:市中心的一个大公园,适合体验一点大自然。它宽半英里,长2.5英里,境内有许多景点,大多数都是免费的。最受欢迎的地方包括Belvedere城堡,草莓田,中央公园动物园和湖泊。

Central Park: A large park in the city center that is perfect for experiencing a little nature. It is a half-mile wide and 2.5 miles long, and has many attractions within its borders, most of which are free. Some of the most popular places to visit include the Belvedere Castle, Strawberry Fields, the Central Park Zoo, and the Lake.  

• 华尔街:一条街道及周边地区,汇聚了一些世界上最重要的交易所,包括纽约证券交易所、纳斯达克和纽约商品交易所。附近还有令人印象深刻的三一教堂和联邦大厅,以及宽广街上铜牛雕像。

Wall Street: A street and surrounding area that are home to some of the most important exchanges in the world, including the New York Stock Exchange, the NASDAQ, and the New York Mercantile Exchange. Nearby are also the impressive Trinity Church and Federal Hall, and the bronze statue of Charging Bull at Bowling Green, on Broadway.   

• 科尼岛:一处布鲁克林海滨社区,以其标志性的游乐园著称,不仅如此。这里有宽阔的海滩、海边木板路和热闹的游乐园,都很容易搭地铁从曼哈顿中城到达,约一小时路程。

Coney Island: A beach-side Brooklyn neighborhood known for its iconic amusement park, and so much more. It boasts a wide beach, seaside boardwalk, and lively amusement park, all easily reachable by subway about an hour from Midtown Manhattan.

• 高线公园:纽约市的一座高架公园,是每个人都需要检查的更受欢迎的纽约景点之一。它曾经是一条铁路,一直使用到1980年,现在被改造成被认为是纽约最独特的公园之一。

The High Line: An elevated park in NYC that is one of the more popular New York attractions everyone needs to check off their list. It was once a railway line, in use until 1980, and was transformed into what is now considered one of the most unique parks in NYC. 

• 皇后博物馆:位于两次世界博览会的场地内,QMA拥有哥谭最惊人的景观之一:《纽约市全景》,一幅9,335平方英尺的五个区模型,为1964年世博会制作, featuring Lilliputian模型标志性地标。

Queens Museum: Located on the grounds of two World’s Fairs, the QMA holds one of Gotham’s most amazing sights: The Panorama of the City of New York, a 9,335-square-foot scale model of the five boroughs, created for the 1964 exposition and featuring Lilliputian models of landmarks. 

• 斯塔滕岛文化中心:斯塔滕岛的一个宝石,仍然有些秘密。它拥有一个巨大的植物园和文化中心,四周环绕着鹅卵石街道和维多利亚式和都铎风格的小径。

Snug Harbor Cultural Center: A Staten Island gem that is still somewhat of a secret. It boasts an enormous botanical garden and cultural center surrounded by cobblestone streets and tiny paths of Victorian and Tudor homes.

交通方式 Transportation:

这里没有机场,最近的机场在Watertown市和Ogdensburg市,两地距此约1小时车程。到达Wyckoff Villa的航空方式如下:


Watertown International Airport: This airport is the closest airport to Clayton, NY, which is the nearest town to Carleton Island. From there, you can rent a car or take a taxi to the waterfront and hire a private boat to take you to the island. The airport has daily flights from cities like Boston, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.  


Ogdensburg International Airport: This airport is about an hour away from Clayton, NY, and has daily flights from cities like Boston, Albany, and Syracuse. From there, you can rent a car or take a taxi to Clayton and then take a private boat to the island.


Fly into New York City: If you’re coming from farther away, you may want to consider flying into one of the major airports in New York City, such as JFK or LaGuardia. From there, you can take a connecting flight to Watertown or Ogdensburg, or rent a car and drive to Clayton, NY.
