苏格兰邓莫尔菠萝|Dunmore Pineapple

Scotland Dunmore Pineapple

🗝️Dunmore Pineapple是苏格兰Stirlingshire附近的一座独特的建筑。

🗝️1761年,第四代Dunmore伯爵John Murray为表达对妻子Charlotte的爱意,建造了这座仿菠萝形状的夏宫作为礼物送给她。当时,菠萝是贵族阶层追捧的一种象征财富和地位的水果。

🗝️这座两层高的建筑外形酷似一只巨大的菠萝, ,被认为是苏格兰zui奇怪的建筑。


Dunmore Pineapple is a unique building near Stirlingshire, Scotland.

In 1761, the 4th Earl of Dunmore, John Murray, built this pineapple-shaped summer house as a gift to express his love for his wife Charlotte. At that time, pineapples were a fruit that symbolized wealth and status among the aristocracy.

This two-story building looks like a huge pineapple and is considered the strangest building in Scotland.

“Sometimes people are strange too, relying on external things to give themselves confidence.”


地址 Address : The Pineapple, Near Airth, Falkirk, FK2 8LU, Scotland

附近标志性景点 Nearby Iconic Attractions

Dunmore House: 地处Pineapple以北,可以从房子后面的土路访问。这座房子已荒废并破败不堪,但提供了极佳的摄影机会。

The Kelpies: 这是两座巨大的马头雕塑,位于福尔柯克的 Helix 公园,距离Pineapple约11英里。可以从不同角度观赏这些雕塑,并在公园内进行其他活动,如骑自行车、散步和玩水花园。

Falkirk Wheel: 这是一座旋转船闸,连接福斯河-克莱德运河与联合运河。位于福尔柯克,距离Pineapple约10英里。可以乘船游览Falkirk Wheel,并欣赏周围乡村的景色。


Dunmore House: It is located to the north of the Pineapple and is accessible via a dirt trail behind the house. The house is abandoned and dilapidated but offers great opportunities for photography.

The Kelpies: These are massive horse-head sculptures located in Helix Park, Falkirk, about 11 miles from the Pineapple. Visitors can admire the sculptures from several angles and enjoy other activities in the park, such as cycling, walking, and playing in the splash area.

Falkirk Wheel: This is a rotating boat lift that connects the Forth and Clyde Canal with the Union Canal. It is located in Falkirk, about 10 miles from the Pineapple. Visitors can take a boat ride on the wheel and enjoy the views of the surrounding countryside.

Stirling Castle: This is a historic castle located in Stirling, about 15 miles from the Pineapple. Visitors can explore the castle’s interior, which includes the Great Hall, the Chapel Royal, and the Royal Palace. They can also enjoy the views of the surrounding countryside from the castle’s ramparts.

交通方式 Transportation:


巴士:游客可以从机场乘坐Airlink 100巴士到达爱丁堡市中心,然后换乘F16巴士前往Airth。在North Green Drive站下车,然后往北步行约500英尺沿高速公路前往菠萝,整个行程约2小时。



The closest airport to the Dunmore Pineapple is Edinburgh Airport (EDI), which is about 20 miles away. Visitors can get to the Pineapple from the airport by bus, taxi, or car. Here are some options for getting to the Pineapple from the airport:

Bus: Visitors can take the Airlink 100 bus from the airport to Edinburgh city center and then transfer to the F16 bus that goes to Airth. They can get off at the North Green Drive stop and walk about 500 feet north along the highway to the Pineapple. The total journey time is about 2 hours .

Taxi: Visitors can take a taxi from the airport to the Pineapple, which takes about 45 minutes.

Car: Visitors can rent a car at the airport and drive to the Pineapple, which takes about 40 minutes. They can follow the M9 motorway and take exit 6 for the A905 towards Airth. They can then follow the signs for the Pineapple.