Discover place of origin | Sidamo

世界原产地标识 Vol.1-Sidamo




Discover place of origin Vol.1 | Sidamo

Sidamo is a large area of fertile highlands in the East African Rift Valley and one of Ethiopia’s three trademarked coffee regions. The altitude of Sidamo ranges from 1,550 to 2,200 meters, with abundant rainfall, suitable temperature and fertile soil. At these altitudes, coffee beans can be called “Strictly High Grown” (SHG). Here, Ethiopian coffee grows slower, so it has more time to absorb nutrients and develop stronger flavors according to local climate and soil conditions. Sidamo coffee is known for its rich, full, vibrant bright acidity, floral and orange aromas.

The taste and characteristics of Sidamo coffee vary with different cultivation and processing methods. For example, naturally processed Sidamo coffee has a honey and fruit flavor, while washed Sidamo coffee has a fresher taste with orange flavors. About 60% of the coffee produced in the Sidamo region uses washed processing.

“One of the most unique and sweetest coffees in the world” – Starbucks


如何到达Sidamo? How to get to Sidamo?

交通方式 Transportation:

要去Sidamo,您可以从Addis Ababa飞往 Aba Segud(JIM)机场。航班时间较短,飞行约49分钟。一旦您到达JIM机场,可以乘车约5分钟到达目的地。如果您驾车去,从亚的斯亚贝巴开车到Sidamo约需3个小时4分钟。

To get to Sidamo, you can fly into Aba Segud (JIM) airport from Addis Ababa. The flight is relatively short, taking about 49 minutes in the air.  Once you arrive at JIM, you can take a car for about 5 minutes to your destination. If you are driving, Sidamo is about 3 hours and 4 minutes away from Addis Ababa.”