每天认识一个原产地| Herend

Herend(赫伦)在 1826年创立于赫伦村庄,是匈牙利国宝级手绘瓷器、世界三大手绘瓷器之一。
汶莱国王、英国和泰国的皇室成员,几乎所有的美国历届总统、Celina Dion(席琳狄翁)、Harrison Ford(哈里森福特)、Arnold Schwarenegger(阿诺德施瓦星格)等众多皇室贵族和影视名人,都是Herend陶瓷的实拥护者。
4 Herend哪些值得买?
1)The Count Apponyi Pattern: 该图案与19世纪末的匈牙利伯爵 Albert Apponyi合作开发。该花卉图案最初在1867年的巴黎世界博览会上以“印度花篮”之名展出。被公认为Herend最受欢迎的图案之一。
2)Victoria Pattern: 此图案是Herend瓷器制造厂最古老和最著名的图案之一。它在1851年的伦敦世博会上展出,获得了巨大成功,赢得评委会金奖和维多利亚女王的订单。该图案随后以“女王维多利亚”命名,由近百种蝴蝶和开花树枝组成,颜色鲜艳。
3)The Rothschild Pattern: “比翼双飞”系列是Herend1850年特意为维也纳皇族支系Rothschild家族设计的。据传,Rothschild家族遗失了一条非常昂贵的项链,后来发现该项链挂在鸟儿栖息的树枝上,因此Herend品牌特意将这个故事融入了这款花卉图案的设计中。
Herend, founded in 1826 in the village of Herend, is a Hungarian national treasure and one of the world’s three major hand-painted porcelain manufacturers.
1.Royal Porcelain Supplier
In 1851, Herend participated in the London World Exhibition and won a gold medal for its vibrant hand-painted butterfly pattern tableware. This caught the attention of Queen Victoria of England, propelling the Herend brand to fame. Herend specifically named this series of tableware the “Victoria Collection,” which became the brand’s most popular and iconic series.
In 1867, Herend participated in the Paris World Exhibition again, where its “Indian Flowers” series of tableware received high praise at imperial banquets and captivated Empress Eugénie, the wife of Emperor Napoleon III of France.
2.Exquisite Hand-Painted Artistry
Herend’s artistic core value lies in its handmade craftsmanship and hand-painted designs. While most brands choose mass production through machinery, Herend remains committed to tradition, relying on the skillful hands of artisans to create and paint each piece. Even the smallest artwork undergoes meticulous carving and polishing by at least seventeen pairs of hands. Herend’s porcelain is renowned for its vibrant colors achieved through multi-layered hand-painting techniques, drawing inspiration from classical European and Chinese styles.
The fish scale painting technique, created by Herend in 1860 and passed down to this day, has become one of the classic patterns of Herend.
3.Celebrity Fans of Herend:
Herend ceramics have been embraced by various royal members, including the Sultan of Brunei, members of the British and Thai royal families, as well as numerous American presidents, such as Celine Dion, Harrison Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and many other royal nobles and celebrities in the film industry.
4.What are Worth Buying from Herend?
Here are the three most famous series of Herend porcelain:
The Count Apponyi Pattern: This pattern was developed in collaboration with Count Albert Apponyi of Hungary in the late 19th century. The floral design was initially showcased as the “Indian Flower Basket” at the 1867 Paris World Exhibition. It is recognized as one of the most popular patterns of Herend.
Victoria Pattern: This pattern is one of the oldest and most famous designs from the Herend porcelain factory. It was exhibited at the 1851 London World Exhibition, where it achieved tremendous success, winning the jury’s gold medal and receiving an order from Queen Victoria. The pattern was subsequently named after Queen Victoria and features nearly a hundred different butterflies and flowering branches with vibrant colors.
The Rothschild Pattern: The “Two Birds in Flight” series was specifically designed by Herend in 1850 for the Rothschild family, a branch of the Vienna imperial dynasty. According to legend, the Rothschild family lost a very expensive necklace, which was later found hanging on a tree branch where birds perched. As a result, Herend incorporated this story into the design of this floral pattern.
What’s Iconic Attractions in Herend ?
Herend的一些标志性景点包括Herend瓷器博物馆、Herend Porcelanium和Mini Manufactory,你可以在那里观看陶瓷是如何由工匠制作和绘制的。你还可以探索该城市的地标,如Town Hall-Veszprém、Old Priests’ Home和Archbishop’s Palace。
Some of the iconic attractions in Herend include the Porcelain Museum of Herend, the Herend Porcelanium, and the Mini Manufactory, where tourists can see how porcelain is made and painted by craftsmen. Visitors can also explore the city’s landmarks such as the Town Hall-Veszprém, Old Priests’ Home, and Archbishop’s Palace.
How to get Herend by air?