俄罗斯废弃教堂 | Trinity Church

Trinity Church

🗝️Trinity Church三一教堂 (建于1827-1832),位于Ulyanovsk Oblast西部的Pyatino 村庄
🎨“如同往常一样,每天的这个时候教堂中都空无一人(在剩下的几小时里也不会有人来)。一片静谧之中,教堂内笼罩着一层宁静的光。沿墙壁排列的黑框玻璃窗是那样模糊,能够将黎明变成暮色,将瞬间定格成永恒。”-Thomas Ligotti

Trinity Church (built in 1827-1832), located in the village of Pyatino in the western part of Ulyanovsk Oblast

“As usual at this hour, the church is empty (and will remain so for the few hours left). In the silence, a tranquil light pervades the interior of the church. The dark framed glass windows along the walls are so obscured that they turn dawn into dusk and fix the moment into eternity.” – Thomas Ligotti


地址 Address : Pyatino village (western edge of Ulyanovsk region)

交通方式 Transportation:



To get to Pyatino village in Russia by air, you would need to fly to either Moscow or St. Petersburg, as these are the main international airports in Russia. From there, you can take a domestic flight or use other modes of transportation to reach Pyatino village. Here are the steps you can follow:

Fly into Moscow or St. Petersburg, depending on which airport is more convenient for you.
From Moscow, you can take a domestic flight to Vologda Oblast and then travel by road to Pyatino village.
From St. Petersburg, you can also take a domestic flight to Vologda Oblast and then travel by road to Pyatino village .