Discover place of origin | Macedonia Ohrid Pearl

每天认识一个原产地 | 马其顿奥赫里德珍珠

马其顿 奥赫里德珍珠

1.马其顿的奥赫里德珍珠(Ohrid Pearl)是该国最著名的宝藏之一。这种珍珠是由贝壳制成的,通过涂抹至少八层特制的乳液,该乳液由生活在奥赫里德湖中的特有鱼类Plasica的鳞片制成,从而获得独特的光泽。与传统珍珠不同,奥赫里德珍珠可以永久保存。

2.该地区的奥赫里德珍珠历史可以追溯到 1920 年代,Filevi和Talevi家族是近100年来唯一知道如何生产奥赫里德珍珠的两个家族,他们只通过口头传承将珍珠生产的秘密从父亲传给儿子。

3.奥赫里德的珠宝已经成为该国最重要的商标之一,曾被英国伊丽莎白女王Queen Elizabeth,戴安娜王妃Princess Diana,荷兰女王朱莉安娜Dutch Queen Juliana,瑞典Queen Silvia西尔维娅王后,丹麦女王玛格丽特二世Danish Queen Margaret II等佩戴过。


Macedonian Ohrid Pearl

1.Macedonia’s Ohrid Pearl is one of the country’s most famous treasures. This pearl is made of shells, coated with at least eight layers of special emulsion made from the scales of the unique fish Plasica living in Lake Ohrid, giving it a unique luster. Unlike traditional pearls, Ohrid pearls can be preserved permanently.

2.The history of Ohrid pearls in this region dates back to the 1920s. The Filevi and Talevi families are the only two families in nearly 100 years who know how to produce Ohrid pearls. They have passed on the secrets of pearl production from father to son only through oral instruction.

3.The jewelry of Ohrid has become one of the most important trademarks of the country. It has been worn by Queen Elizabeth of Britain, Princess Diana, Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, Queen Silvia of Sweden, Queen Margaret II of Denmark and other royal families.

4.To purchase genuine “Ohrid Pearls”, the only way is to buy from the Filevi family or Talevi family who know the secret recipe.

附近标志性景点 What’s Iconic Attractions around Lake Ohrid ?

1. 在海滩游泳和晒日光浴:奥赫里德湖提供几个小型公共石滩,可以在那里游泳和晒日光浴。靠近Kaneo教堂的海滩通常更繁忙,但如果你喜欢更安静的体验,可以离开市中心更远的地方。一些酒店,如Villa Milka,也有游泳池。 

2. 在奥赫里德湖乘船游览:奥赫里德湖是欧洲最古老和最大的湖泊之一。乘船游览是体验湖泊和欣赏美景的好方式。你可以在奥赫里德码头乘船游览奥赫里德湖。如果你更喜欢较短的游览,可以雇佣当地船长进行一小时的湖泊游览。到Sveti Naum的来回渡轮是另一个选择,但时间更长。 

3. 探索小径和村庄:对于喜欢徒步和探索的人来说,奥赫里德老城周围有几条小径。如果有足够的时间,甚至可以绕整个湖泊徒步旅行。东海岸的Elshani村庄是许多小径的一个很好的起点。你还可以从那里徒步到Konjsko村或Pestani村。此外,如果你在主显节期间访问可以见证男人跳入冷水中取回木制十字架的传统。

4. 住在奥赫里德老城:奥赫里德老城是联合国教科文组织世界遗产,拥有美丽的建筑和许多景点。这也是奥赫里德最 美丽 的部分。老城里有许多住宿选择,包括公寓、旅馆和别墅。如果您有车,请记住老城狭窄的小巷停车可能会有挑战。

5. 参观Prespa湖:从奥赫里德湖山脉另一边就是Prespa湖,另一个值得探索的美丽湖泊。与奥赫里德湖相比,这里的旅游业较不发达,提供沙滩和未受破坏的自然美景。这里有徒步旅行、滑翔伞和放松的机会。虽然旅游设施较少,但它是一个隐藏的宝石,值得一游。





1.Swim and Sunbathe at the Beaches: Ohrid Lake offers several small public stone beaches where you can swim and sunbathe. The beaches closer to Kaneo Church are usually busier, but if you prefer a quieter experience, you can head further away from the city center. Some hotels, like Villa Milka, also have pools if you prefer that option. 

2.Take a Boat Ride on Lake Ohrid: Lake Ohrid is one of Europe’s oldest and largest lakes. Taking a boat ride is a great way to experience the lake and enjoy the beautiful scenery. You can catch a boat for a tour of Lake Ohrid at the Ohrid Marina. If you prefer a shorter tour, you can hire a local captain for a one-hour lake tour. The round-trip ferry to Sveti Naum is another option, but it takes longer. 

3.Explore the Trails and Villages: For those who enjoy hiking and exploring, there are several trails around the old town of Lake Ohrid. You can even walk around the entire lake if you have enough time. The village of Elshani on the east coast is a great starting point for numerous trails. You can also hike to the villages of Konjsko or Pestani from there. Additionally, if you visit during the Epiphany celebrations, you can witness the tradition of men jumping into the cold water to retrieve a wooden cross. 

4.Stay in the Old Town of Ohrid: The old town of Ohrid is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with beautiful architecture and many sites to see. It is also the most picturesque part of Ohrid. There are numerous accommodations available in the old town, including apartments, guesthouses, and villas. If you have a car, keep in mind that parking may be challenging in the narrow lanes of the old town. 

5.Visit Lake Prespa: Just over the mountain range from Lake Ohrid lies Lake Prespa, another beautiful lake worth exploring. It is less touristy compared to Lake Ohrid, offering sandy beaches and unspoiled natural beauty. There are opportunities for hiking, paragliding, and relaxation. While there are fewer tourist facilities, it is a hidden gem that is worth a visit.

When planning your visit to Ohrid Lake, keep in mind the following tips:

•The best time to visit Ohrid is during the summer months when you can enjoy swimming, hiking, and other outdoor activities. However, autumn also offers beautiful views and quieter surroundings. The high season is from mid-July to mid-August, during the summer festival. 

•It is advisable to book accommodations in advance, especially during the peak season of July and August. There are a variety of accommodation options available, ranging from hostels to luxury villas, at reasonable rates. 

•Transportation options around the region may be limited, especially if you don’t have a car. While there are local buses, it is recommended to have your own transportation to explore the surrounding areas.


交通方式 Transportation:


Fly to Skopje: The capital city of North Macedonia, Skopje, is the nearest major airport to Ohrid. You can fly into Skopje International Airport (SKP) from various international destinations.